Balloon | A trail that loops back on itself, requiring a significant portion of the trail to be retraced to return to its beginning. |
Dead End | A trail that ends in a dead end, requiring most, if not all of the trail to be retraced to return to its beginning. |
General Area | An area with no specific boundary, containing several, possibly unrelated trails. For example, Moab. |
Loop | A trail that ends at or near its beginning, requiring little or no retracing of previously run trail sections and little or no use of 2WD roads to return to its beginning. |
Obstacle | A particularly difficult section of a longer trail. |
OHV Park | An area designated for OHV use. May include open riding areas and/or trails. |
Open Area | An area where OHV travel is generally unrestricted, containing few, if any, distinct trails. |
Private Park | An area open only to members and invited guests |
Segmented | A trail that crosses or follows 2WD roads in several places. These crossings can be used to bypass parts of the trail, including its beginning or end. |
Through | A trail that ends at a 2WD road a significant distance from its beginning. |
Trail System | An area containing a network of interconnected trails. |