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MN DNR seeks comments on access proposal for state forest lands in Koochiching and eastern Itasca counties
Sep 5, 2008


DNR seeks comments on access proposal for state forest lands in Koochiching and eastern Itasca counties (August 26, 2008)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold three public meetings on its draft forest classification and motor vehicle route designation plan for Koochiching and eastern Itasca counties.

The draft plan includes suggested forest classification and route designations for state forest lands in the George Washington, Golden Anniversary, Koochiching, Pine Island and Smokey Bear state forests, and for scattered DNR forest lands located outside of state forest boundaries in Koochiching and eastern Itasca counties. In total, about 1.1 million acres of land will be classified with respect to motor vehicle use.

Public review meetings are scheduled for the following days and places from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.:

Itasca Community College Theater, 1851 East Highway 169, Grand Rapids, Minn., Tuesday, Oct. 28
Rainy River Community college Auditorium, 1501 Highway 71, International Falls, Minn., Wednesday, Oct. 29
Bigfork City Hall, 200 Main Avenue (Corner of Main and Ash Street), Bigfork, Minn., Thursday, Oct. 30.
The first hour of each meeting will allow people to informally review the plan, maps and other materials. During the remainder of the meeting, the DNR will present its draft proposal and respond to questions and comments. Written comments will also be accepted.

There are more than 3,400 miles of roads, trails, and other routes on state and county forest lands in Koochiching and eastern Itasca counties. The plan recommends which roads and trails on DNR-administered lands will be open to use by various types of motor vehicles.

State forest classifications are: managed, limited, and closed. Managed means that motor vehicle use is permitted on all forest roads and trails unless posted (signed) closed. Limited means motor vehicle use is permitted on forest roads and those trails specifically designated for certain types of motorized uses, for example trails can be designated for ATV use, off-road motorcycle use. Roads and trails are posted (signed) open for specific use. Closed means forest roads are open to highway-licensed vehicles.

The DNR draft plan recommends the following classifications for state lands located in Koochiching and Itasca counties:

George Washington State Forest - sections managed, limited, and closed
Golden Anniversary State Forest - limited
Koochiching, Pine Island, and Smokey Bear state forests - managed
DNR-administered lands outside of state forests north of U.S. Highway 2 - managed, south of U.S. Highway 2 - limited.
The Koochiching/Itasca Classification and Route Designation Proposal, supporting maps and other materials are available at www.mndnr.gov.

Written comments, questions, or requests for copies of the planning documents, should be directed to Jack Olson, DNR Trails & Waterways, 1601 Minnesota Drive, Brainerd, MN 56401, by e-mail at jack.olson@dnr.state.mn.us or (218) 833-8716. Comments on the draft proposal will be accepted until 4:30 pm on Nov. 7.
