Saint Paul, MN 55155-4040888-646-6367
01/21/10 - MN DNR Allows Iron Range OHV Area Expansion to Move Forward
11/16/09 - Minnesota DNR seeks comments on expansion of the Iron Range Off-highway Vehicle Recreation Area
01/16/09 - Iron Range OHV Area Expansion Plans Available for Public Review
09/05/08 - MN DNR seeks comments on access proposal for state forest lands in Koochiching and eastern Itasca counties
08/05/08 - MN DNR Seeks Comments on Motor Vehicle Use Plan for Forest Lands in Northwestern Minnesota
02/06/09 - Iron Range OHV Area expansion meeting
10/30/08 - MN DNR Motor Vehicle Use Planning Meeting - Bigfork
10/29/08 - MN DNR Motor Vehicle Use Planning Meeting - International Falls
10/28/08 - MN DNR Motor Vehicle Use Planning Meeting - Grand Rapids
10/09/08 - MN DNR Motor Vehicle Use Planning Meeting - Baudette